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 Postgraduate led research

* Equal contributions


​​Barnett JB, Yeager J, & Kjernsmo K.

Animal transparency: how should we define form and function?

In Review.


​​Barnett JB, McEwen BL, Kinley I, Anderson HM, & Yeager J.

Behavioural mimicry throughout the predation sequence in poison frogs 

In Review.


Barnett JB, Ford J, Guerra-Grenier E, Jreidini N, Benbahtane J, & Green DM. 2023.

Ontogenetic change in the effectiveness of camouflage: growth versus pattern matching in Fowler's toad.

Animal Behaviour, 198: 33-46.


Barnett JB, Yeager J, McEwen BL, Kinley I, Anderson HM, & Guevara J. 2023.

Size-dependent colouration balances salient aposematism and camouflage.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36: 1010-1019.



Barnett JB, Varela BJ, Jennings B, Lesbarrères D, Pruitt JN, & Green DM J. 2021.

Habitat disturbance alters color contrast and the detectability of cryptic and aposematic frogs.

Behavioral Ecology, 32: 814-825.


Yeager J & Barnett JB. 2021.

The influence of ultraviolet reflectance differs between conspicuous aposematic signals in Neotropical butterflies and frogs.

Ecology & Evolution, 11: 13633-13640.


Barnett JB *, Michalis C *, Scott-Samuel NE, & Cuthill IC. 2021.

Colour pattern variation forms local background matching camouflage in a leaf-mimicking toad.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34: 1531-1540.


Anderson HM , Fisher DN, McEwen BL, Yeager J, Pruitt JN, & Barnett JB. 2021.

Episodic correlations in behavioural lateralisation differ between a poison frog and its mimic.

Animal Behaviour, 174: 207-215.


Yeager J & Barnett JB. 2020.

Ultraviolet components offer minimal contrast enhancement to an aposematic signal.

Ecology & Evolution, 10: 13576-13582.


Culbert BM , Talagala S, Barnett JB, Stanbrook E, Smale P, & Balshine S. 2020.

Context-dependent consequences of color biases in a social fish.

Behavioral Ecology, 31: 1410-1419.


Barnett JB, Michalis C, Anderson HM, McEwen BL, Yeager J, Pruitt JN, Scott-Samuel, & Cuthill IC. 2020.

Imperfect transparency and camouflage in glass frogs.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117: 12885-12890.


Doering GN , Sheehy KA, Barnett JB, & Pruitt JN. 2020.

Colony size and initial conditions combine to shape reunification dynamics.

Behavioural Processes, 170: 103994.


Barnett JB, Michalis C, Scott-Samuel NE, & Cuthill IC. 2018.

Distance-dependent defensive coloration in the poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius, Dendrobatidae.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: 6416-6421.


Barnett JB, Cuthill IC, & Scot-Samuel NE. 2018.

Distance-dependent aposematism and camouflage in the cinnabar moth caterpillar (Tyria jacobaeae, Erebidae).

Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171396.


Barnett JB, Cuthill IC, & Scot-Samuel NE. 2017.

Distance-dependent pattern blending can camouflage salient aposematic signals.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284: 20170128.


Barnett JB, Redfern AS, Bhattacharyya-Dickson R, Clifton O, Courty T, Ho T, Hopes A, McPhee T, Merrison K, Owen R, Scott-Samuel NE, & Cuthill IC. 2017.

Stripes for warning and stripes for hiding: spatial frequency and detection distance.

Behavioral Ecology, 28: 373-381.


Barnett JB, Scott-Samuel NE, & Cuthill IC. 2016.

Aposematism: balancing salience and camouflage.

Biology Letters, 12: 20160335.


Barnett JB & Cuthill IC. 2014.

Distance-dependent defensive coloration.

Current Biology, 24: R1157-R1158.


Barnett JB, Benbow RL, Ismail A & Fellowes MDE. 2013.

Abundance and diversity of anurans in a regenerating former oil palm plantation in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. 

Herpetological Bulletin, 125: 1-9.


Barnett JB. 2011.

Pigmentation loss and regeneration in a captive wild type axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum

Herpetological Bulletin, 115: 17-18.


McEwen BL †, Yeager J, Kinley I, Anderson HM, & Barnett JB. 2024.

Detectability of a poison frog and its Batesian mimic depends on body posture and viewing angle.

Behavioral Ecology, 35: arae077.


Yeager J, Robison A, Wade CD, & Barnett JB. 2024.

Imperfections in transparency and mimicry do not increase predation risk for clearwing butterflies with educated predators

Ecology and Evolution, 14: e70307.


Culbert BM †, Barnett JB, Ligocki IY, Salena MG, Wong MYL, Hamilton I, & Balshine S. 2024.

Colorful facial markings are associated with foraging rates in and affiliative relationships in a wild group-living cichlid fish

Current Zoology, 70: 70-78.

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